Which Loan Is Right For Your Small Business? FIND THE BEST LOAN FOR YOUR BUSINESS There are many loans available to small business owners – maybe more than you think – depending on your credit score, the amount of time you’ve been in business, and your desired loan amount. Financial Tips
Ask The Right Questions ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS Before you walk into a bank or apply online, it’s important that you’re prepared to have the important conversations that will help you secure financing for your small business. Here are a few questions you might want to consider ahead of your big chat. Financial Tips
Credit Score IQ IDENTIFY YOUR CREDIT SCORE IQ So many factors affect your credit score, and figuring out how to boost your score can get pretty complicated. It takes more than on-time payments to build your score, and our Credit Score IQ resources can help you understand how to make the credit changes you need. Financial Tips
Borrowing 101 LEARN ABOUT THE LENDING WORLD Overwhelmed by the small print and endless details of the lending process? Venturize puts the power in your hands to understand your loan options, access responsible capital, and discover possibilities you didn’t know existed. Get confident in your loan options with our glossary, news articles, and other resources. Financial Tips
Loan Application Checklist GET ORGANIZED You’re the CEO of your small business – the Chief Everything Officer. You understand that time = money, and being prepared can shorten the time it takes to get a small business loan. Even when you’re on the go, our mobile friendly, easy-to-use digital checklist can help you get prepared, and stay organized, during your loan application process." Financial Tips
How to get and spend emergency grants A guide on how to apply for emergency funding for your bar or restaurant and how to use these resources to improve your operations. Source: Science Financial Tips
Get the right loan for your small business This site is dedicated to helping you sort through your loan options and find a lending option that best suits your small business. Source: Small Business Majority Financial Tips
Plan and budget Analyze spending, research costs, and plan for purchases using a spreadsheet. Source: Google Financial Tips
Track your monthly expenses Use a spreadsheet to track your monthly expenses. Source: Google Financial Tips
Estimate financing your business plan Project expenses, profits, and losses for your year in business using a spreadsheet. Source: Google Financial Tips
How to update your small business plan The best business plans are living documents. Businesses that leave themselves room to adjust their business plans can better respond to opportunities and challenges alike. Source: Salesforce Financial Tips