Event Start Date: January 15, 2025 | Event End Date: January 15, 2025 | Event Venue: |
What do successful business actors on a global stage do? They step powerfully into their role. They affect people, move them, create a space wherein their audiences invest their time, energy, feelings, intellect and material resources.
Participants will experience my vision for Fierce Story and Behavior, a vision I’m sharing and exploring with leaders across the spectrum: CEO’s of multi-nationals, a lone, enthusiastic startup founder, and everyone in between.
This is for anyone who prizes growth and communication and has a desire for new results.
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Marc Aden Gray is an Australian/US actor who has become a player in the arena of Storytelling, Behavior Creation and Leadership.
Marc’s highest-profile acting role so far was in the role of Choi in The Matrix. That film captures the essence of what Marc is doing with organizations across Europe and beyond: helping teams and individuals stretch beyond habitual behaviors, expand their human potential and achieve greater impact.
This work extends to Pitching and Storytelling, where Marc has transferred skills honed from decades in front of audiences and made them tangible and useful for business actors.
Marc is filling the “knowing-doing gap” that exists within the topics of leadership and behavioral change. He bridges that gap in three ways: as a Messenger sharing new insight and perspective, an Inspirer infusing participants with his aliveness and passion, and a Trainer equipping business actors with practicable skills that produce result.