Turning Stakeholder Requests into Data Science Questions

05/27/2021 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm CST Virtual
  • Corporate
  • Early Stage
  • Growth Stage
Event Start Date:
July 27, 2024
Event End Date:
July 27, 2024
Event Venue:

Stakeholders or business leaders may have a lot of data, but they may not know the right strategy for using it. One of the most important steps of the Data Science life-cycle is understanding a stakeholder’s vision and how to turn that vision into questions and deliverables. During this event, we will use a data set of AirBnb listings in New York City, we will formulate vision-driven questions that are answerable using the available data and meet stakeholder requests.

Want to Learn More?Check out Promotable’s 15 week immersiveData Science Career Accelerator ask our team after the event.

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Your Instructor:

Annie Condon is a Sr. Data Scientist @ Nuro Retention. She has previously worked in Data Science roles at top companies like Exelon, and Northrop Grumman. She received her Masters Degree in Data Science from Northwestern University.