Tech Talk: Beyond the Classroom: UAS Education, Research and Careers

06/09/2022 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm CST Virtual
  • Corporate
  • Early Stage
  • Growth Stage
Event Start Date:
March 12, 2025
Event End Date:
March 12, 2025
Event Venue:

How educators are getting Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) built into the school curriculum and engaging students in extra-curricular UAS projects and competitions.  These efforts are creating new opportunities and paths to employment by generating interest, skills, and inspiration for diverse careers in the UAS industry. 


We will be answering these 3 important questions:

  • What’s happening in the classroom?
  • What’s happening in research?
  • What’s the future of work in the UAS industry?

Presented by

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Moderator- Zackary Nicklin joined the US Army in 2003. He began his career as an Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Maintainer/Integrator and moved into the UAS space in 2005. His career has involved fielding and maintaining state-of-the-art intelligence collection and dissemination systems, both airborne and ground-based.

Zack is currently the primary UAS instructor across Northland Community and Technical College’s UAS programs. He holds numerous industry-recognized certifications along with three Associate degrees, and a Bachelor’s in Applied Engineering and he is currently completing a master’s degree in Uncrewed Systems at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

Panelist – Jane Cleland-Huang’s (Ph.D., University of Illinois-Chicago) research focuses on Safety Assurance for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) with an emphasis on software and system traceability, safety assurance — especially the evolution of safety cases in fast-paced incremental development environments, and runtime monitoring of Non-Functional Requirements.

She is the lead researcher on the Dronology project — a system for managing and monitoring semi-autonomous small Uncrewed Aerial Systems (sUAS) flights.

As part of that project, she is involved in Smart and Connected Communities (SCC) research and is working closely with the South Bend Fire Department to co-design a system, DroneResponse, in which sUAS serve as full-mission partners for emergency response scenarios.

Panelist- Jacob Reed is currently the Director of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems program at Lewis University. Formerly he was the Office of Veterans Affairs Communications and Outreach Coordinator, an Avionics Electrical Technician, and a Firefighter with the U.S. Coast Guard

He has his MS in Uncrewed Systems from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University along with his BS in Economics for Northern Illinois University.

Panelist – Anthony Tegtmeyer of Neuqua Valley High School has eight years of experience as an educator after a long career in engineering and technical management in the aerospace, automotive, and technology fields. He teaches three honors engineering and capstone engineering classes, including aerospace engineering. He runs a Drone Club and was recognized by Project Lead The Way (PLTW) as the PLTW Engineering Teacher of the Year, the highest recognition for PLTW Engineering educators. He is the author of “Real Engineering Experiments: 25+ Exciting STEAM Activities for Kids (Real Science).”

Tony is also part of the ARISE (Aerial Robotics in STEM Education) organization, which has drone conferences and a multi-challenge drone design competition.