Supply Chain

Innovation Lab

1871’s Supply Chain Innovation Lab connects growth-stage, late-stage, and corporate tech businesses that want to solve the biggest challenges and opportunities in Supply Chain.

2024 program in progress!

Built w/

Supported by

2024 Lab Focus Areas

Smart Manufacturing

Supply Chain Responsibility

Global Resiliency

AI in Supply Chain

Visibility and Planning

“Every organization has their own reason for wanting to innovate…

1871 CXO Stephanie Miller at our  C1 Supply Chain Innovation Lab Summit.

Supply Chain Innovation Lab 2024

Key details

4 months | Immersive | Hybrid

Runs: 8.12.24 - 11.08.24

What's included for participants

•Unique benefits per business stages

• Inclusion on 1871 press release

• Immersive  programming by experts

• Community of peers

• Featured at 2024 Supply Chain Innovation Summit

Who's in the lab>>

Growth-stage startups

Late-stage Lab partners

Corporate lab partners

Growth stage startups

Late stage lab partners

Corporate lab partners

Built with industry experts

Strategic partner

“The Supply Chain Innovation Lab is the connective mesh we need between innovative startups, corporate partners, and the supply chain community. We’ve seen the lab’s ability to reinvent how we navigate supply chain complexities through collaboration, creativity, and cutting-edge technology. Accenture is thrilled to join as 1871’s Supply Chain Innovation Lab Partner for our third year!”

Patty Riedl, North American Supply Chain Lead @ Accenture

Join the lab

Growth-stage startups

For supply chain tech companies with a demonstrated product-market fit & is poised to grow.

Exclusive benefits
  • Share their product with corporate partners, strategic investors, and other growth and late-stage companies
  • Iterate faster and level up their product & business strategy
  • Tap into advice from industry experts 
  • Gain a deeper understanding of industry trends and positioning
  • Create a network of peers in their industry
  • Amplify your brand at the 2024 Supply Chain Summit

Late-stage Lab partner

For late-stage supply chain tech companies interested in becoming an industry expert and influencing major industry outcomes.

Exclusive benefits
  • Emerge as a showcased thought leader
  • Network with peers and leaders in your industry
  • Mentor future industry leaders
  • Connect with industry leaders and up-and-coming companies disrupting your industry 
  • Explore curated connections between potential partners across maturity curve (growth to corporate)
  • Amplify your brand at the 2024 Supply Chain Summit

lab partners

For corporations looking to innovate and accelerate supply chain tech solutions.

Exclusive benefits
  • Ability to shape Lab focus areas and programming tied to your business and broader  industry needs
  • Connect & network with top tier growth and late-stage startups 
  • Curated introductions related to your business needs and objectives 
  • Mentor future industry leaders
  • Amplify your company as thought leaders through workshops and panels 
  • Gain peer-to-peer access and insights from industry leaders at other partner companies 
  • Seat on 1871’s Supply Chain Innovation Council with like minded industry experts

Lab timeline


Week 1

8.12.24 - 8.16.24 [Virtual]

Week 2

9.09.24 - 9.13.24 [In-person]

Week 3

10.07.24 - 10.11.24 [Virtual]

Week 4

11.04.24 - 11.08.24 [In-person]

Capstone event w/ public showcase


Lab partners

Ecosystem partners

Supported by

Anchor partner

General partner

Late stage partner

2024 Supply Chain Summit

Join us  for our third annual Supply Chain Innovation Summit! We’re bringing  early, growth and late stage startups, corporate innovators, mentors, venture capitalists, and community leaders together to discuss the cutting edge of supply chain tech innovation.