Event Start Date: January 13, 2025 | Event End Date: January 13, 2025 | Event Venue: |
Not getting enough replies to your data science job applications? Having trouble getting past first round phone screens?
This is your chance to get your questions answered and dive into the mindset of a technical recruiter.
You’ll have the opportunity to gain insights about the data science job search process from a recruiters perspective. You’ll be able to ask any question you have about the recruitment process, what recruiters look for and anything else from Ben Wiebers, former Recruiter at Salesforce, and current Sr. Technical Recruiter at Spoton.
In addition to answering your questions, Ben will discuss common pitfalls, what standout candidates have in common, what technical recruiters look for and more!
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Speaker/Panelist Information:
 Ben Wiebers is a Sr. Technical Recruiter at Spoton. He previously worked in recruiting at Salesforce, Peapod, and Peoplefoundry sourcing technical and data science talent.
Host: Aaron Filous is the Founder & CEO of Promotable
About Promotable:
Promotable is a Data Science and analytics career accelerator that helps anyone break into data science and analytics or level up their skills through practitioner led events, workshops, and courses. Learn more www.promotable.io