Pop-Up Founder Chat

02/09/2021 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm CST Virtual

1 hour

  • Early Stage
  • Growth Stage
  • Innovation
  • Talent

Boyede Sobitan, Co-Founder/CEO of OjaExpress will share his entrepreneurial journey on how he started his own successful food tech company.

Event Start Date:
February 18, 2025
Event End Date:
February 18, 2025
Event Venue:

To celebrate Black History Month and the kick-off of our favorite food tech accelerator Food Foundry, jump into a fireside chat with one of our esteemed community members; Boyede Sobitan, Co-Founder/CEO of OjaExpress to learn about the story of his founder journey. 

From struggles, triumphs, and his experiences with both 1871 and Food Foundry – he will be sharing with us how he’s made it through and actionable ways on how you too can set onward towards your entrepreneurial goals. 

Interviewing Boyede will be our very own Entrepreneur in Residence; Rachael Feuerborn of 1871. 

Grab your lunch, hop online and listen to Boyede’s founder experience!


Boyede Sobitan
Co-Founder & CEO, Oja Express

Register Below:

Food Foundry

The Food Foundry is a Chicago-based growth accelerator program by Relish Works built in partnership with Gordon Food Service and 1871. The Food Foundry supports, connects, and propels innovative startups who are reimagining the food industry.

Interested in joining the next Food Foundry accelerator? Click here to apply – hurry deadline is 2/18!