The Next Evolution of Immersive Technology and Artificial Intelligence | AWE Nite Chicago

11/01/2023 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm CST

3 hours

Event Start Date:
November 1, 2023
Event End Date:
November 1, 2023
Event Venue:
1871 Office

AI is here to stay, having already become a part of our everyday lives. It’s the technology behind the personal assistants that help us manage our schedules, the algorithms that curate our social media feeds, and the recommendation engines that suggest movies or products tailored to our preferences. Whether we realize it or not, AI is influencing our decisions, streamlining tasks, and even augmenting our creativity. AI tools assist us at work, predicting financial outcomes, optimizing communication channels, and streamline the creative process for artists, writers, and designers. Its impact continues to grow as AI adoption accelerates across diverse fields, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and entertainment.

Similarly, immersive technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are transforming our everyday lives as well, across industries and experiences. AI has always been important to the development of immersive technology, behind capabilities such as image and voice recognition. Now, as AI and immersive technologies converge within the user experience, the possibilities are even more exciting. AI-driven content generation and personalization are taking immersive experiences to new heights, making them more engaging and relevant. These technologies are not only reshaping how we entertain ourselves but also how we learn, work, and interact with the world around us, promising a future where our realities are enriched and extended by the digital realm.

Join us November 1st to learn about the exponential growth of artificial intelligence along with immersive technology’s impact on our lived experiences, from work, to play, to (ironically) human connection. 

Physical & Virtual Venues: 

1871 | 222 W Merchandise Mart Ste 1212

Virbela | Virtual Environment |

For our Virtual Venue, we will be using Virbela‘s Open Campus to host the program. We suggest that you download, set-up, get familiar with the Virbela program and environment prior to the program, as we will be unable to provide support during the event.

The virtual environment resembles a physical space, so you will be able to talk with other attendees during open networking both before and after the presentations. The sound is spatialized, so if at any point it feels too loud, feel free to move your conversation to another part of the room where there are less people.

Live Stream |

People can join by watching the scheduled live stream where we will field questions from!

Presented by: 

Register for this event by clicking below:

What’s the Format:

We begin with informal networking and then start the stage portion promptly at 6:15pm CDT. There will be a handful of presentations before we move on to answer audience questions and then finish with more networking. We keep it simple and informal – this program is about you, our members, and not the host or presenters. Come and get your questions answered, take your next step into immersive technology.

We will be serving the Revolution (Beer), cold!

  • 5:30-6:00 PM Technology Demonstrations & Networking
  • 6:15-6:30 PM Introductions & Welcome Message
  • 6:30-7:10 PM Panelist Presentations
  • 7:10-7:45 PM Panel Discussion with Q&A
  • 7:45-8:30 PM More Networking & Technology Demo


Matthew Wren will be moderating the discussion in person. Matt is the CTO for BUNDLAR and founder of The Next Evolution event series and VRAR Chicago.

Caroline Dennis will be hosting the virtual portion in Virbela. Caroline is an entrepreneur, startup advisor, and advocate from and XRWomen.