Event Start Date: January 18, 2025 | Event End Date: January 18, 2025 | Event Venue: |
Artificial intelligence is the big buzz in technology today, and rightly so. AI has great power and is completely transforming industries and helping humans tackle some of the most pressing and complex issues, including the fight against COVID-19.
In a panel hosted by Relativity, medical professionals and technologists will share how they used AI to address a call to action issued by the White House to help public health researchers find answers to questions on COVID-19. The panel will also talk about AI’s potential and its role in dismantling healthcare inequities and eliminating biases in data.
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Event Agenda:
12:00 p.m. – 12:50 p.m. CT | Panel Discussion
12:50 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. CT | Live Q&A
The panel will share their contributions to the effort, which are detailed in Relativity’s On the Merits film, Pandemic.
Mary Rechtoris, producer of On the Merits, will moderate the discussion. The session will also have ample time for Q&A to allow attendees to share their thoughts and ask questions.