Navigating the Career Fair Landscape: 5 Strategies for Recruiters and Job Seekers to Find the Perfect Match

In today’s rapidly changing job market, whether due to technological advancements, shifting economic landscapes, or even new “norms” of the workplace, finding the right talent for your company’s open roles or finding the perfect job that fits your needs is more crucial than ever for all around satisfaction.  

1871 is hosting its annual Career Fair in person on 3.27 to connect hiring member companies with emerging tech talent, including students, recent graduates, and individuals ready to change careers. 

Before we come together to spark networking & job opportunities, here are 5 tips for recruiters to hire the perfect talent and job seekers to secure an internship or job! 

Resurgence of Career Fairs  

Forbes reported that anywhere from 50 – 80% of all jobs are filled through networking, while 70% of jobs may not even be posted on public sites! 

Career Fairs have become more popular than ever before, emerging as pivotal hybrid networking opportunities where the future of workers can connect with recruiters for meaningful interactions and unique opportunities to recruit employees and secure a job. What does this mean? Network, network, network! 

Attending Career Fairs gives job seekers access to a network of companies eager to find applicants, generally confined to online job searching, and employers gain brand exposure and 1:1 connections with emerging talent to fill their open roles.  

5 strategies for career seekers

Whether you’re a current university student, a recent graduate, or want to change careers, attending career fairs provides opportunities to make impressions beyond a resume or digital profile. Keep these tips in mind before and after attending a Career Fair! 

  1. Emphasize your “soft skills” 

Everyone knows one of the most critical requirements of securing a job is having technical skills that match the job requirements. 

However, employees are increasingly valuing soft skills as much as technical ones as they can be universal outside of the job requirements and benefit the work environment. 

Valuable soft skills include communication, adaptability, problem-solving, teamwork, empathy, etc. 

Including and speaking highly of your soft skills to employers helps convey your passion, versatility, and essential elements often lost in the digital application process. 


  1. Showcase your job-type interests 

With the increase in freelance, contract, and temporary positions, job seekers may consider these types of roles as stepping stones into their careers or even long-term paths. 

Candidates who are open to different types of employment can expand their job opportunities and give job recruiters a direct response on who can best fit their available roles. 

Evaluate what jobs interest you (internships, contract, part-time, full-time)and what works best for you. 


  1. Continuous learning 

Employers often look for candidates committed to lifelong learning and professional development! 

 Highlight any additional courses, certifications, or projects you’ve completed or are in favor of participating in to enhance your skills and knowledge. 


  1. Industry-specific skills 

Depending on your intended field, specific technical skills are in high demand. For tech companies, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and data analysis skills are often looked for. For business companies, digital marketing and e-commerce skills are highly valuable. 

Research the most in-demand skills in your field of interest and see what qualifications you already have and ways you can add to your resume! 


  1. Practice your interviewing skills & personal branding 

Building a solid personal brand through LinkedIn, a website, or industry-specific platforms can make you more marketable to employers. But, knowing how to market yourself in professional settings can be the deciding factor. 

According to Zipdo, 61% of job seekers say the online job search process is time-consuming & frustrating. In an age where personal connections can significantly influence hiring decisions, presenting yourself effectively at a career fair can make all the difference! 

Practice an elevator pitch highlighting yourself, including your professional interests, projects, and accomplishments outside your resume. 

5 strategies for job recruiters

Attending a career fair is not just an event to collect resumes but a strategic opportunity to showcase your company culture, values, and visions for the future! 

  1. Demonstrate how your company is invested in early talent 

Today’s students and graduates want their first or second jobs to be impactful and open to positions in leadership and growth. 

For entry-level positions, showcasing your company’s interest in early talent can be crucial when securing employees. Present your company in a way that resonates with its missions and values of utilizing early talent, setting the stage for future leaders and innovators to envision themselves as part of your team.


  1. Develop your recruitment & hiring goals 

At career fairs, you’re more likely to speak with numerous candidates at a time, giving you a broader selection to choose from for your open role(s). 

Know before you attend what you’re looking for in an employee, what requirements are essential to the job position, and what the process is like to hire at your organization. Communication & transparency is key – this will increase the likelihood of finding a high-performing employee. 


  1. Market & advertise your attendance at these events 

Before you attend a career fair, showcase that your company is hiring and participating in the event. Post details on your social media pages and emphasize how many jobs are open for applications. Job seekers familiar with your brand or would like to learn about you will know which booth to visit. 

Once at the event, keep your conversations relevant, brief, and engaging so candidates can become excited about your company and open roles. Afterward, follow up with candidates who piqued your interest to keep the relationship going. 


  1. Brainstorm specific questions to ask candidates

There’s a chance you’re hiring for more than just one position! Understand what candidates you’re looking for and ask specific questions about the job(s).  

Ask about the candidate’s education, experience, and career goals. If they align with your open roles, ask more in-depth questions about their experience & retrieve their contact information for future networking and conversations. 


  1. Network with peers 

Many businesses and recruiters attend the same career fairs and networking events, increasing their presence as leaders and active participants in their specific industry community.  

Build connections with one another for opportunities to refer candidates to one another if the applicant seems better suited for a different company. This increases your brand presence and makes valuable connections for future collaborations. 

How 1871 can help with talent

Whether you’re a job seeker aiming to launch or advance your career or a recruiter seeking top talent, understanding how to present yourself or your organization at a career fair is key. 

Use the tips above and remember:

  • Make connections that count.
  • Share stories that inspire.
  • Forge pathways to professional growth and success in the job market.

Participate in 1871’s 2024 Career Fair! We’ll be in person at 1871 for a full day of networking & career-changing opportunities on 3.27 from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM CST. Sign up today


Can’t make it? 

Job seekers – explore open roles within 1871’s community & upload your resume to our Job Board

Job recruiters – explore 1871’s Talent Referral Network and upload your open roles on our Job Board to find the best fit for you or your organization.


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