With a network of more than 600 professionals from every industry, the mentor program is the crown jewel of 1871. Every day, mentors dedicate their time and expertise guiding our members from issues ranging from legal to tech and everywhere in between, forming valuable relationships and producing concrete outcomes. This week, we say hello to Darcy Bonner, Innovation, Strategy, and Business Development Manager at Schneider Electric.

DAVID BONNER -1David Kelbaugh - Mentor Highlights

  • What do you consider your greatest success?

My greatest success is the one that hasn’t happened yet. I’m a strong believer in personal growth and challenging oneself to reach new levels. If we’re content with our previous success…life would get really boring.

  • What do you know today that you wish you would have known when you first got started in business?

Some things take patience. This is harder that it appears and it is something I still struggle with today. There are some things in life that you can control, pursue at your own pace, and experience the results; and other aspects in life that you have to rely on the “natural alignment” of things (i.e. out of your control).

  • What skills do you think are the most important for an entrepreneur to have?

Tenacity, curiosity, grit, passion, and empathy.

  • What is one piece of advice you would give to a rising entrepreneur?

Develop an “iterative learning” mindset and stay curious – many will give up or fall short but those that are in it for the long-run typically come out on top through the most unpredictable ways.

Now for the fun stuff… 

  • What is your favorite comfort food? Homemade chocolate chip cookies… they get me every time. 
  • What is your personal mantra? Everyday starts at zero.
  • Where is your favorite spot in Chicago? Any rooftop or no-name cafe.
  • What do you like to do in your free time? Read, travel, workout, blog, and fish.

Follow Darcy on Twitter at @DRB_3 or connect with him on LinkedIn.


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